Groupage transport

Reach your destination quickly and reliably with Krüger

Trust, speed and professionalism are at the heart of our service promise in European groupage transport. As experts in national and international shipping, we work closely with our German and European partners to ensure that all goods reach their destination on time - within Germany in 24 hours - maximum 48 hours.

To guarantee this, we operate many our own scheduled services and have been a partner for over 30 years.

To ensure this, we operate many our own scheduled services and have been a member of ONLINE Systemlogistik GmbH & Co. KG FOR OVER 25 YEARS. This cooperation pools the capacities of its members in a highly efficient hub-and-spoke transport system. Since 2018, we have also been cooperating with the 24plus and CTL networks, which gives us access to more than 280 partner connections across Europe.